Our study wants to find out if a digital wellness platform with guidance from healthcare professionals could help endometrial cancer survivors live a healthier life by changing behaviours that could impact their nutrition, physical activity, and mental health.

The diagram shows a patient journey from endometrial cancer diagnosis to treatment and survivorship, supported by two key tools:   Digital wellness platform (Left): Includes a mobile application with a user interface displaying wellness metrics (e.g., step count, meal tracking, meditation, exercise) represented with icons like a running figure, a meal plate, and a meditating person.   Online healthcare professional support (Right): Shown as a computer screen with video conferencing, displaying diverse healthcare professionals in a grid format.   Below these tools, a timeline flows through key milestones:   Endometrial cancer diagnosis,   Treatment, and   Survivorship.   On the right side, a circular pathway highlights health risks and comorbidities in survivorship:   A woman with a measuring tape around her waist (representing obesity).   An exclamation mark (symbolizing health risks).   Illustrations of a uterus, a heart, a glucose monitor reading “103,” insulin, and a hospital bed (indicating risks such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes).

This study is part of a clinical trial that is being done at two different sites. One site is the University of Alberta in Edmonton, and the other site is the University of Toronto in Toronto.

What will I be doing during the study?

Skills gained by participating in RESILIENCE Trial

Set nutrition, physical activity, or mental health goals during individual with a Registered Dietitian, a Qualified Exercise Professional, and a Mental Health Professional.

Learn to interpret food labels, manage stress, learn about portion sizes, and ask specific questions about topics covered in individual sessions.

Participate in online cooking sessions and learn how to prepare healthy meals at home, interpret portion sizes, and incorporate new healthy ingredients into your everyday meals.

Improve overall health and well-being to lower the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
